Full-length in two acts.
Cast: 4 women, 2 men.
Running time: 90 minutes with 10 minute interval.
Setting: Fluid space.
Mara rescues a mysteriously wounded girl on the riverbank while her two aunts worry their niece will disappear from the violent-ridden city without a trace. On the other side of the barrio, the nostalgic Horacio drives his restless grandson Gusty out of the house with another story from his childhood. Wanting more for their lives than what their families and barrio can give, Mara and Gusty meet at the edge of the city to confront the mystery of an unknown and wild forest, and a spirit that will reckon with them all. DE TROYA is a mash-up of a ghost story, a mythic urban fable, and a cracked fairy tale for a contemporary world.

Photo by Linda Blase

Photo by Lawrence Jenkins
Script History:
DE TROYA was a finalist for the 2016 Bay Area Playwrights Festival where it received Special Recognition. It had an in-house reading at Primary Stages in New York City directed by Emily Mendelsohn, and a workshop in spring 2016 at Amphibian Stage in Fort Worth, Texas under the direction of David Lozano.
The play received an in-house reading at Primary Stages Studios in 2015 under Emily Mendelsohn’s direction with a cast comprised of Alfredo Narciso, Gabriel Sloyer, Ana Grosse, Hannia Guillen, Natalia Guzman, and Annie Henk.
The play was semi-finalist for the 2016 O’Neill National Theatre Conference, and runner-up for the 2016 Blue Ink Playwriting Award from American Blues Theater in Chicago, Illinois.

Photo by Linda Blase
World Premiere:
DE TROYA received its world premiere with Cara Mia Theatre in Dallas, Texas under David Lozano’s direction at Arts Mission Oak Cliff with original music by Tom Hagerman of DeVotchKa. The cast was Maya Malan-Gonzalez (Mara), Stefanie Tovar (Raya), Frida Espinosa Muller (Lupe), Karla Gonzalez (Lena), Ivan Jasso (Gusty) and Rodney Garza (Grandpa Horacio). Scenic Design by Donna Marquet. Costume, Wig and Make-Up Design by Ryan Mathieu Smith, LIghting Design by Linda Blase, Fight Choreography by Jeffrey Colangelo, Dance Choreography by Michelle Gibson.
Review of world premiere by Teresa Marrero in Theater Jones. http://theaterjones.com/ntx/reviews/20170502072614/2017-05-04/Cara-Mia-Theatre-Company/De-Troya
Preview article and world premiere coverage by Nancy Churnin of the Dallas Morning News. https://dallasnews.com/arts/theater/2017/05/04/cara-mia-move-new-play-inaugurates-new-space-arts-mission-oak-cliff
Interview with Tom Hagerman in the Dallas Observer: http://www.dallasobserver.com/arts/arts-mission-oak-cliff-opens-first-play-de-troya-9421566
DE TROYA is 2016 finalist for BAPF and received special recognition.
Halcyon theatre spring 2018 production pix:
Halcyon Theatre spring 2018 production trailer:
De Troya by Caridad Svichdirected by Rinska Carrasco-PrestinaryA mysteriously wounded girl washes on shore and meets young Mara on the riverbank. Worried sisters Lupe and Lena wonder if tonight is the night that their niece will disappear without a trace? Nostalgic Horacio drives his restless grandson away with another rambling story from his childhood. Boiling under the surface of a fallen city, two families wrestle with rebellion, regret, and loss of faith.at Halcyon Theatre May 16 – June 30, 2018Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays at 8pm; Sundays at 6pmhttps://halcyontheatre.org/detroyaTrailer by Ted JamesSteadicam Operator: Victor TanSound Mixer: Kevin Vicks
Posted by Halcyon Theatre on Saturday, May 12, 2018