Skidmore College Blackbox Theater Presents THE ORPHAN SEA

Performances: November 30-December 6 at 8pm (Saturday 2pm & 8pm; Sunday at 2pm) at the Janet Kinghorn Bernhard Theater on the Skidmore College Campus

The Skidmore College Department of Theater is pleased to announce the
premiere of a multilingual version of The Orphan Sea by Caridad Svich, 2012 Lifetime
Achievement OBIE award winner. Director Eunice Ferreira, Skidmore theater professor,
innovatively infuses the play with multiple languages, song, poetry, film and dance to invite
audiences on a metatheatrical journey.

World Premiere of ARCHIPELAGO

Caridad Svich’s Archipelago premieres November 24, 2016 at Lighthouse Poole Centre for the Arts in Dorset, England under Stephen Wrentmore’s direction starring Nathan Ives-Moiba and Lisa Caruccio Came.

Archipelago is a story of love.
Love found and lost and found …

Love, like the breaking of water on the shore, is constant and fluid. It tells the story of she and he. She is from here. He is from there. In a place that is here and there. One of them is always the outsider. So is love strong enough to hold them together?

Caridad Svich’s beautiful new play asks if love can transcend and surpass the boundaries of difference. It speaks to the moments between two people who are desperately seeking connection; to find each other and themselves in the in-between during tumultuous times.

Hannah – Lisa Caruccio Came
Ben – Nathan Ives-Moiba

Director – Stephen Wrentmore
Scenic & Costume Design – Yoon Bae
Lighting Design – Ace McCarron
Film Design – Desperate Optimists: Christine Molloy and Joe Lawlor
Composer – Karen Wimhurst
Casting Director – Vicky Richardson
Production Manager – Libby Battaglia

Special Thanks:
Lighthouse is part of a consortium of theatres developing new and exciting work. This production is made possible with seed money from Black Theatre Live.

We would also like to thank our anonymous donor for the faith, love and trust, and Jerwood Space, London and and English Touring Theatre for rehearsal and audition facilities.

For more information visit: