Just announced: ABSENCE produced at Borderlands in 2015


by Victor Hugo Rascon Banda. Translated by Caridad Svich
Directed by Eva Tessler & Victor Carpinteiro

In this drama by one of Mexico’s most prolific and widely produced playwrights, three generations of a Mexico City family endure the absence of a son, husband, and father who has left for the United States in search of work. As the family’s situation deteriorates, a sighting of their absent loved one catapults the play to its surprising ending. PERFORMANCES ALTERNATING BETWEEN ENGLISH AND SPANISH.


Performance times are Thursday through Saturday at 7:30 P.M. with Sunday matinees at 2:00 P.M. Opening Night $24, General $20, Senior $17, Student $14 (group rates and various discounts available) Please call the Borderlands Box Office (520)882-7406 to make your reservations.


November 2014 update from Caridad Svich

SPARK continues at PYGmalion Productions at the Rose Wagner Performing Arts Center through November 15, 2014 in Salt Lake City, Utah under Fran Pruyn’s direction. www.pygmalionproductions.org

UPON THE FRAGILE SHORE receives reading on November 3, 2014 with Ion Theatre at Urban Center for the Arts in San Diego, CA under Claudio Raygoza’s direction. ionteatre.com

UPON THE FRAGILE SHORE receives reading on November 5, 2014 with Power Street Theatre at Lotus of Compassion in Philadelphia under Thais Flaitt Gionnocaro’s direction. http://powerstreettheatreco.wix.com/pstc

Su Nombre Sera Su Sombra Para Siempre/Your Name Will Follow You Home, by Carlos Murillo, in premiere Spanish translation by Caridad Svich, receives initial performances November 7-23, 2014 at Repertorio Espanol in New York City under Jose Zayas’ direction. www.repertorio.org

JARMAN (all this maddening beauty) is presented on November 4-5, 2014 at the Unity Theatre as part of the Homotopia Festival in Liverpool, England as a force-collision production. Visit: www.homotopia.net

UPON THE FRAGILE SHORE receives reading on November 8, 2014 at the Drama League in New York City under the direction of Gabriel Shanks.

UPON THE FRAGILE SHORE receives reading on November 12, 2014 with Broken Road Theatre at Black Rock Bar in Chicago, IL under the direction of Annie Hogan. www.brokenroadtheatre.com

THE ORPHAN SEA receives premiere production November 12-16, 2014 at the University of Missouri-Columbia Department of Theatre’s Rhynsburger Theatre under Kevin Brown’s direction. http://theatre.missouri.edu/onstage/

UPON THE FRAGILE SHORE receives reading on November 17, 2014 at the Road Theatre in Los Angeles under Stewart J. Zully’s direction. roadtheatre.org

In the Time of the Butterflies receives reading on November 17, 2014 at Two River Theatre in Red Bank, NJ as part of Big Read under Jose Zayas’ direction.

12 OPHELIAS receives production at Middlesex County College November 20-23, 2014 in Edison, NJ under Anna DeMers’ direction. http://www2.middlesexcc.edu/campus-life/theatre-homepage/upcoming-performances.html

UPON THE FRAGILE SHORE receives reading on November 22, 2014 with Colectivo Teatral Nuevo Mexico in conjunction with the National Hispanic Cultural Center’s Siembra: Latino Theatre Festival at Wells Fargo Auditorium under Valli Rivera’s direction. Produced by Camino Real Productions. http://www.nationalhispaniccenter.org

UPON THE FRAGILE SHORE receives reading on November 22, 2014 with Cara Mia Theatre at Oak Cliff Cultural Center in Dallas, TX under the direction of Karen Robinson. caramiatheatre.org

and in repertory 2014-2015 at Repertorio Espanol, NYC. www.repertorio.org/mariposas and www.repertorio.org/amor:

In the Time of the Butterflies/En el Tiempo de las Mariposas (based on the Julia Alvarez novel)


Love in the Time of Cholera/Amor en los tiempos de Colera (based on the Gabriel Garcia Marquez novel)

October 2014 News from Caridad Svich

Her translation of Federico Garcia Lorca’s AS FIVE YEARS PASS at University of New Mexico-Albuquerque Department of Theater and Dance on October 2-5. 2014.

UPON THE FRAGILE SHORE reading at Carthage College Department of Theatre’s Campbell Student Union Theatre on October 10 at 7:30 PM in Kenosha, Wisconsin.

ARCHIPELAGO reading as part of the Cafe Bohemia Series at Arizona Theatre Company on October 11 at Temple Lounge In Tucson and October 12, 2014 at the Herberger Theater Center KAX Stage in Phoenix under Stephen Wrentmore’s direction. Visit: http://www.atccafebohemia.blogspot.com/

UPON THE FRAGILE SHORE reading at Teatro Paraguas on October 12, 2014 at 5 PM at Teatro Paraguas Studio in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

THIS THING OF OURS roundtable reading at the Lark Play Development Center In New York City on October 15, 2014 at 6:30 PM in New York City under Emily Mendelsohn’s direction.

UPON THE FRAGILE SHORE alumni reading at New Dramatists in New York City on October 16, 2014 at 7 PM in New York City under Emily Mendelson’s direction.www.newdramatists.org

JARMAN (all this maddening beauty) at Dance Space on October 19, 2014 in Washington D.C. http://www.danceplace.org/dance-performances/dance-box-theater-forcecollision/ and October 23, 2014 in London, England at King’s College Arts and Humanities Program as a force/collision production. http://force-collision.org/announcing-jarman-upcoming-in-dc-uk-and-more/

UPON THE FRAGILE SHORE reading at Theater Emory on October 19, 2014 at Burlington Road Theater at 7 PM in Atlanta, GA under Vincent Murphy’s direction.

UPON THE FRAGILE SHORE reading at Shringara Theatre Company at Illinois Wesleyan University on October 21st (time/venue TBA)

SPARK area premiere at Pygmalion Productions at the Rose Wagner Performing Arts Center October 30November 15, 2014 in Salt Lake City, Utah under Fran Pruyn’s direction. www.pygmalionproductions.org

News: JARMAN returns to D.C. one night only! oct 19

JARMAN (all this maddening beauty)
returns to Washington D.C. on October 19, 2014 at 7 PM at Dance Place.


Inspired by queer icon Derek Jarman, JARMAN (all this maddening beauty) merges video and live performance to reconstruct the essence of the cult figure, artistic legacy and punk movement through the Transatlantic lens of today. This project is a collaboration between force/collision and award-winning playwright Caridad Svich. Can we ever fully recover our queer history or will our legends be forever pressed between the pages of the archive? JARMAN brings together a community of over 40 performers through video and sound, manipulated in real time by one performer whose own story of artistic survival unravels within that of Derek Jarman’s. JARMAN will be performed by force/collision Founding Director John Moletress. Don’t miss a chance to see this incarnation of the work that has been given voice in American Theatre Magazine, Huffington Post, DC Theatre Scene, Washington Blade and DC Metro Theatre Arts.  force-collision.org