on stage and print during October 2015

Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter
a new play by Caridad Svich
based on the novel by Mario Vargas Llosa
at Repertorio Espanol in New York City
directed by Jose Zayas
premieres October 9, 2015 (open run, in rep)http://repertorio.nyc/#/event/a0SE000000NXn6PMAT.

The Labyrinth of Desire
a gender-bending comedy adapted from a play by Lope de Vega
directed by Rebecca Rivas
at University of Texas-El Paso
Oct 15-18, 22-23, and Oct 25, 2015http://theatredance.utep.edu/Site/Home.html

Alchemy of Desire/Dead-Man’s Blues
at Spectrum Theatre Company at Northwestern University, Illinois
Oct 22-24, 2015http://spectrumtheatrecompany.com/season/fall-mainstage/

De Troya
a new play by Caridad Svich
in an invite-only roundtable reading
Directed by Emily Mendelsohn
October 26, 2015 at Primary Stages Studios, NYC


In print: “Archipelagos, Fragile Shores and Orphan Seas”

by Caridad Svich is live on Howlround: